Social Assistance

This program centralizes all social assistance of La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad.

Protective Ark Social Action

It is the program throughout which all the social assistance of La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad is concentrated. It aims to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people in the community through social and community integration. To achieve this, the Foundation has 6 welfare centers placed through the City of Buenos Aires and in the West Zone of the Great Buenos Aires, in charge of professional psychologists and social workers who work directly with each individual and/or family group according to their particular difficulties. The assistance provided to beneficiary families is comprehensive, not only dealing with the whole basic necessities of food, health, housing and clothing, among others, but it is also offered social orientation, accompaniment in the management of administrative procedures that are essential for their social protection and for work placement services.

Devices and areas

Home Care

The Home Care brings closer the social orientation’s work and the families’ everyday life. It is a device in charge of professionals dedicated to the attention of people who are in situations of high vulnerability and/or risk. It aims to work with the person in order to reduce or avoid the situation of psycho-social risk in that is through the articulation with other actors in their surroundings or the creation of new social networks.

Community Kitchens

Three Community Kitchens work inside the Batei Jabad of Flores, Villa del Parque and Abasto where dozens of people receive their food every day in a warm environment that boosts the encounter with others, responding both to starvation and to social isolation.

Housing Refurbishment Plan

In the middle of the year 2012 we started this new program through which we deal with improving the living conditions of our beneficiaries, who although having a home, time and the inadequate maintenance have transformed them into places risky to inhabit. Since its beginnings and have refurbished six houses and there are other in progress.

Old Warehouse

It was born under the slogan “transform what you don’t need in a meal”, the Viejo Almacen Solidario (Old Warehouse) is a charitable initiative that receives donations of furniture, appliances, books and any type of object that holds some kind of value, and to then sell them and raise funds for the more than 2,000 beneficiaries of La Fundación de Jabad.

Contact us

Headquarters: Tucumán 3238 (CABA) | 4002-0170 Int. 137
Beit Jabad Abasto: Billinghurst 664 (CABA) | 4866-3497
Beit Jabad Palermo: Pasaje El Lazo 3133 (CABA) | 4804-9304 / 4805-4033
Beit Jabad Villa del Parque: Helguera 2369 (CABA) | 4504-1908 int 214/215
Beit Jabad Zona Oeste: Casullo 180, Morón, (GBA) | 4627-3152 / 3563

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