CRS Program

Through programs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the beneficiaries of many NGO’s receive direct support and with a much larger scope than a nonprofit organization can achieve by itself.

In La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad there are 2,000 individuals and families that every day have everyone’s help to keep on going. So if your company has a CSR program, or if you simply want to help our foundation, we offer the following support channels:

Patronage Law:

Through the Patronage Law, taxpayers can derive gross income (no additional cost) up to 2% of the amount paid the previous year to be used to support the Benefit Concert which featured Maestro Itzhak Perlman at the Teatro Colón last November 5, 2012 and upcoming events organized by “Dar Cultura”.

Taxpayers stuck to Simplified system can provide 100% of the amount of fees remaining payable until the end of the calendar year in which the contribution is made.

More info on the web:
Tel. (54-11) 4002-0180

Non-monetary donations:

Your company can help La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad by donating office equipment, merchandise for direct support of our beneficiaries or providing us with equipment for our social assistance centers.

To make a non-monetary donation, please contact Lic. Natalia Lifschitz to:
Tel: (54-11) 4002-0198

Work Program:

Jabad Foundation has a program which mission is to provide opportunities both for those seeking inclusion in the labor market, and for institutions, companies and shops, among others, that need filling in work positions.

Therefore, it is extremely important that the effort put into the training, leads to concrete employment opportunities.

Your company can make this dream true.

For more information, please contact Lic. Romina Aziz to:
Tel: (54-11) 4002-0170 Extension Number 127


Maón Tipulí is La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad’s program which is fully dedicated to Mental Health, oriented towards the creation of social ties and the artistic and work production. It has several areas, one of which is the Work Area, where the Don-Acción space was created.

Don-Acción aims at insertion in the labor market of those participants that are able to meet the challenge of finding and keeping a job, according to the resources and orientation of each one of them. Participants will be accompanied throughout the process by Maón Tipulí professionals, establishing permanent communication between the employers and the institution, in order to ensure the smooth development of the project. In order to achieve this, it has been written a contract which states in detail the framework, the limits and responsibilities of each part, to strengthen the link between employers and employees.

It is also important to note that companies or businesses that hire people with certified disabilities, fall within the tax benefits granted by Law Number: 22,431 as follows:

• 70 % deduction of profits (Act N° 22,431 article 23)
• 50 % deduction of employer contributions during the 1st year (Law N° 24,013 Article 87)
• 50 % deduction of employer contributions for hiring of protected groups (Act N° 24,147 Article34)
• 33 % deduction of social security contributions for 12 months

For more information about this program, please contact:
Tel: (54-11) 4002-0170 Internal Number 302

Where is the money destined?

To the social plans of La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad, covering food, medicine and housing for more than 800 families.

To contact us for any of these Corporate Social Responsibility options, please call Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm or Fridays from 9 am to 4 pm.

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