
5 junio 2019

#Shavuot ¡Jag Sameaj!

Cuando nos saludamos, decimos Shalom, que no solo significa paz… Shalom viene de la palabra shalem, que significa “completo”. Por eso, cuando nos saludamos diciendo Shalom, […]
8 abril 2019

The year started in Maón Tipulí

As every year, we started our Work Area in Maón Tipulí (the Mental Health program of the Jabad Social Action Foundation). We also have spaces for […]
8 abril 2019

This is how we celebrated Purim!

This year we celebrated Purim by fulfilling the Mitzvah: “you will transmit the values, mitzvoth and traditions from generation to generation”. 60 adults participated in the […]
28 febrero 2019

This year, we supported 241 children and adolescents

Thank you for joining us! Another year starts… and we are filled with joy that every child supported by Fundacion de Acción Social de Jabad (Jabad […]
17 julio 2018

Thank you!

Together, we achieved to get everything necessary to cover 210 dental treatments for people in a state of vulnerability
25 septiembre 2017

Rosh Hashaná: we made it!

500 families received a food basket and 100 people participated in the Community lunch.  
4 septiembre 2017

The 5th Latam Economic Forum was a solidary success: with the money raised, three social organizations were helped

1 septiembre 2017

BA’s government chose our headquarters for the tablet’s delivery

Highlighting our commitment with the elderlies’ inclusion, the Buenos Aires City’s government chose the headquarter of The “Fundacion de Accion Social de Jabad”(Jabad’s social action foundation) […]
6 julio 2017

Do you want to know where Argentina is and where it is going?

The Latam Economic Forum announces its fifth edition; an event where the local economy is the star organized by Research for Traders Consultancy. The forum “Where […]